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Adding graphics such as clip art and pictures to your PowerPoint XP presentations can make them more visually appealing and help communicate your ideas more effectively. Here are some tips for incorporating clip art and images seamlessly into your slides.

Finding and Inserting Clip Art

Clip art is a collection of pre-made graphical images you can use to enhance your slides. PowerPoint XP comes with an extensive clip art library you can search through.

To add clip art:

  • Click Insert > Picture > Clip Art on the menu bar
  • In the task pane that appears, type a keyword related to the type of image you want in the Search for box
  • Select additional search criteria like where to search and file types of results
  • Click the Search button to view results
  • Click an image to insert it onto your slide

If you can’t find what you need in PowerPoint’s default libraries, click the Clips Online icon in the task pane to search online at Microsoft’s website, where you’ll find thousands more options.

Working with Inserted Clip Art

Once you’ve inserted a piece of clip art onto your slide, you can:

  • Resize it by clicking and dragging one of the corner handles
  • Crop it by going to the Format tab and using the crop tools
  • Recolor it by going to the Format tab and selecting Recolor to change its color scheme

Take advantage of these tools to tweak inserted clip art so it fits perfectly into your presentation.

Inserting Pictures from Files

In addition to clip art, you can enhance your PowerPoint slides by inserting pictures from image files saved on your computer:

  • Click Insert > Picture > From File on the menu bar
  • Navigate your files and folders to select an image
  • Click Insert to add the picture to your slide

Supported file types include JPG, PNG, GIF and more.

Adjusting and Formatting Pictures

To make adjustments to pictures you’ve inserted:

  • Resize and crop pictures using the handles and tools on the Format tab
  • Compress pictures or change resolution on the Format tab to reduce file size
  • Add borders, effects, and alt text using tools on the Format tab
  • Align and group pictures using tools on the Format tab

Properly formatted pictures will give your presentation a polished, professional look.

Tips for Using Clip Art and Pictures

When including graphics in PowerPoint XP:

  • Be consistent with art styles throughout a presentation
  • Compress large pictures to keep file sizes manageable
  • Make sure inserted images are clear and not blurry or pixelated
  • Only use graphics if they add value and enhance your content
  • Ensure all images are appropriate and professional

Using clip art judiciously will amplify your presentations without being distracting.


Adding graphics makes presentations more engaging and memorable. With PowerPoint XP’s extensive media libraries and formatting options, it’s simple to:

  • Search for and insert clip art
  • Resize, recolor, and crop clip art
  • Insert pictures from files
  • Format pictures professionally

Incorporating high-quality clip art and pictures into your PowerPoint XP slides is an impactful way to reinforce your message and wow your audience.