How to Convert PowerPoint to Word, Is It Possible?

Result after Convert Powerpoint to Word

Powerpoint is so second nature to the millennial generation! Since we grow up with computers and technology, most of us should question nothing when it comes to using the basic features of Powerpoint.

But what about those elderlies who prefer to read Word instead of everything else? You have worked so hard on your assignments in the presentation format, but suddenly they ask you to submit it in Word format.

Take a deep breath, let’s find the way out. It turns out that Powerpoint enables you to convert it into Word format!

Below are the steps to convert Powerpoint to Word. It’s fairly hidden feature, so you might want to read from beginning to the end carefully:

1. Open the Powerpoint files you want to convert

2. Click File and then Export

3. It will open like this

Convert Powerpoint to Word tutorial

4. From here, click Create Handouts

5. When the box pop up, it will show __Send to Miscrosoft Word

Convert Powerpoint to Word box

6. Choose the suitable formatting options

7. Under Add Slides to Microsoft Word Document, click Paste

8. The two files will exist separately

9. Click OK

10. The file will be automatically load as new Word document

Result after Convert Powerpoint to Word

Pretty complicated but you did it! You can easily edit and treat the new file as Word file.

Good luck!