How to Get Speaker Notes on Google Slides

If you’re someone who frequently uses Google Slides for presentations, you may be familiar with the frustration of not being able to access speaker notes during your presentation. However, with the help of this article, I can guide you through the simple process of accessing and using speaker notes on Google Slides both when editing and presenting.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily add speaker notes to your presentations and ensure that you never miss a beat during your presentation. With the ability to access your speaker notes during your presentation, you’ll be able to deliver a more confident and engaging presentation.

How to see speaker notes on Google Slides

1. Visit Google Slides and open your document.

2. Drag this bar to the top to reveal the speaker notes.

3. This is the result. You can see and modify the note. Each slide can have its own note.

4. If you want to present the presentation while still being able to see the notes, click the dropdown menu under Slideshow and click Presenter view.

5. The presentation slideshow will be launched but a new window will appear showing you more controls for the slide as well as the speaker notes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can’t I see my speaker notes on the Google Slides app?

Well, actually you can as I already mentioned in this article. To see the speaker notes on Google Slides app, tap on a slide, tap “Edit slide”, go to the three-dot menu at the top, and select “Show speaker notes”.

How do you add speaker notes to slides?

To add speaker notes to a Google Slides presentation, follow these steps:
1. Open your presentation in Google Slides.
2. Underneath each slide, you will find a text box with the text “Click to add speaker notes”.
3. Type your notes in the text box. These notes will be visible to you during your presentation but not to your audience.

Why can’t I see speaker notes on slides?

If you can’t see the text box to add speaker notes, click “View” in the menu bar and select “Show speaker notes”.