Adding bullet points in PowerPoint is a simple yet effective way to organize information and highlight key points in your presentation. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the entire process of inserting bullet points in PowerPoint, from basic text bullets to customized symbols and images. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned PowerPoint user, you will learn helpful tips and tricks along the way.
Step 1: Select the Text You Want to Bullet
The first step is to select the text or paragraph you want to turn into a bulleted list. You can do this in two ways:
- If you are starting from scratch, simply click inside a text box on your slide to place the cursor there. Then start typing out your list.
- If you already have a paragraph or multiple lines of text, highlight/select the text by clicking and dragging your mouse over it.
Step 2: Click the “Bullets” Button
Once you have selected the text, click on the “Bullets” button in the “Paragraph” group under the “Home” tab. You can also use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + L.
As soon as you click this button, PowerPoint will automatically convert your text into a bulleted list with round, black bullet points.
Bullet button screenshot
Step 3: Customize Your Bullet Points
Now comes the fun part – customizing your new bullet points! PowerPoint provides several built-in options to choose from:
Change Bullet Style
Click the drop-down arrow next to the “Bullets” button to preview and select other bullet styles like squares, ticks, arrows etc.
Bullet style options
Change Bullet Color
Click the “Bullets” button followed by “Bullets and Numbering” at the bottom. In the “Bullets and Numbering” window, you can choose a color under “Color”.
Use a Symbol or Icon
Click “Picture” in the “Bullets and Numbering” window and select a symbol or icon from the library. This adds visual interest to your bullets.
Use a Custom Image
You can also click “Picture” then “From File” to upload your own custom image for bullets. Make sure the image file is a PNG or SVG for best quality.
Change Bullet Size
Adjust the bullet size under “Size” in the “Text Options” group on the “Home” tab.
Text options group
Align Bullets
You can left align, center align or right align your bullets under “Alignment” in the “Paragraph” group on the “Home” tab.
Step 4: Add More Bullets
To add another bullet point, hit the Enter key after completing one bullet text. PowerPoint will automatically create a new bulleted line.
Repeat this process to add as many bullets as you need in your list.
To end the bulleted list, press Enter followed by Backspace when done.
Step 5: Use Sub-Bullets
Need to break down your main points even further? PowerPoint allows you to add sub-bullets or sub-points under your main bullets.
To create a sub-bullet, hit Enter at the end of a main bullet text, then press Tab key. This indents the new bullet and formats it slightly smaller to show hierarchy.
Repeat adding the Tab key to create further sub-bullet levels if required.
Step 6: Remove Bullets
Made a mistake or want to convert your list back to normal text? Simply highlight the bulleted text and click the “Bullets” button again to remove all bullets.
The keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + L can also be used to toggle bullets on and off.
And that’s it! Whether you’re preparing for an important presentation at work or making bullet points to organize personal notes, this simple PowerPoint functionality can be a true time-saver.
Follow the tips above to add, customize and remove bullets with just a few clicks. Soon you’ll be creating professional, visually-appealing bulleted lists to engage your audience.