- On the Insert tab, click Shapes in the Illustrations group.
- From the Stars and Banners section, click the star you want. I’ll use the 4-point star for this example.
- Click the star several times to add multiple stars to your slide. Make sure they don’t overlap.
Format the stars
- Select one star, then on the Format tab, click Shape Fill and select a bright color like yellow.
- Click Shape Outline and select No Outline.
- Select all stars (Ctrl+A), right-click a star, and choose Format Shape from the context menu.
- On the Format Shape pane, set the shape fill, outline, and other properties to match the formatted star.
Animate the stars
- Select all stars and click Animation Pane on the Animations tab.
- Click Add Animation and select Appear under Entrance.
- In the Animation Pane, select all Appear animations, click the drop-down arrow, and set Start to With Previous.
- Click Add Animation again and select Pulse under Emphasis.
- In the Animation Pane, select all Pulse animations, click the drop-down arrow, and set Start to With Previous. Set Duration to 0.25 seconds.
- Click the Repeat option and set it to Until End of Slide.
Now when you play your slideshow, the stars will flash in a random sequence. You can add more stars and animations to create even more complex effects. The key is to always set the start of later animations to “With Previous” so they occur simultaneously.
Let me know if you have any other questions!