How to Convert Google Slides to PDF

Converting your Google Slides presentations to PDF format can be extremely useful for various purposes. PDF files are universally compatible and can be opened on any device, making them great for sharing and collaboration. In this blog post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to easily save your Google Slides as PDF files using different methods.

Benefits of Converting Google Slides to PDF

Here are some of the key benefits of converting your Google Slides presentations to PDF format:

  • Enhanced compatibility – PDF files can be opened on any computer or device, regardless of whether you have Google Slides installed. This makes sharing and collaborating much easier.
  • Preserved formatting – When you convert Google Slides to PDF, all the fonts, images, animations, etc. are preserved as they appear in the original Slides, ensuring consistency.
  • Smaller file size – PDF files are typically much smaller in size compared to Google Slides presentations, allowing faster sharing via email and downloads.
  • Added security – Sensitive presentations can be password protected when converted to PDF format, preventing unauthorized access.

Method 1: Download as PDF (Easiest Method)

The easiest way to convert Google Slides to PDF is to use the built-in “Download as PDF” option within Google Slides:

  1. Open the Google Slides presentation you want to convert.
  2. Click File > Download > PDF document (.pdf).
  3. The presentation will instantly download as a PDF file. The PDF will be saved in your computer’s default download location.

This method provides a quick one-click solution to convert Google Slides to PDF while preserving all formatting and contents.

Method 2: Print as PDF

You can also save your Google Slides as a PDF by using the Print option:

  1. Open your presentation and click File > Print preview.
  2. Under the print preview menu, click the download icon to save the slides as a PDF file.
  3. Alternatively, you can click File > Download as > PDF (.pdf) from the print preview screen.

The print method allows more customization options for the PDF output, like choosing slides per page, orientation, hidden slides, etc.

Method 3: Use Third-Party PDF Converter Tools

Several free online tools like PDFElement and CloudConvert can efficiently convert Google Slides presentations to PDF:

  1. Upload your Google Slides file to the tool’s website.
  2. Choose PDF as the output format and click Convert.
  3. Download the converted PDF file to your computer.

These tools provide batch conversion features to convert multiple Google Slides files to PDF at once.

How to Edit Google Slides in PDF Format

To make changes to your Google Slide presentation after converting to PDF, use these steps:

  1. Re-upload the PDF file to Google Drive.
  2. Right-click on it and select Open with > Google Slides.
  3. The PDF will open as an editable Google Slides presentation.
  4. Edit the slides as required and export again as PDF.

Specialized PDF editing software like Adobe Acrobat can also be used to modify PDF files.


Converting Google Slides to PDF is easy and straightforward. By following the methods outlined in this article, you can seamlessly save your Slides presentations as PDFs for enhanced compatibility and sharing.

The “Download as PDF” option provides the simplest one-click conversion, while the Print method offers more customizations. Third-party PDF converters give you batch processing capabilities.

So next time you need to share your Slides with someone who doesn’t use Google Slides, simply convert them into a universally viewable PDF format using any of these handy methods!