How to Convert PowerPoint Presentation to Video

Converting your PowerPoint presentations into videos can be a game-changer for sharing your ideas more engagingly. Videos help grab attention, explain concepts visually, and make content more shareable across devices.

In this article, you’ll learn how to easily convert a PowerPoint presentation into a high-quality video using PowerPoint’s built-in tools.

Step 1: Open PowerPoint Presentation

First, open the PowerPoint presentation you want to convert in PowerPoint. Review the slides and make any last minute tweaks before exporting it as a video file.

Save your presentation to ensure all the changes are reflected in the video output later.

Step 2: Go to Export Option

Next, click on File > Export in the top menu. This will open the export menu.

Alternatively, in newer versions of PowerPoint, you may see a Share button instead of Export.

Step 3: Select “Create a Video”

Under the export menu, choose “Create a Video”. This will launch the video export wizard.

PowerPoint Export Menu

Step 4: Configure Video Settings

You can now customize the video settings:

  • Video Quality – Choose from Ultra HD for highest quality or lower qualities for smaller file sizes.
  • Use Recorded Narrations – Check this if you want any narrations you recorded to be included in the video.
  • Duration per slide – Set the number of seconds you want each slide to appear for.
  • Create Video – Finally click this button when ready to export.

PowerPoint Video Settings

Step 5: Save Video File

Lastly, select a file name and save location for your exported video file.

PowerPoint supports exporting presentations as MP4 or MOV file formats. MP4 offers maximum compatibility while MOV renders faster.

Click Save and let PowerPoint work its magic to render a video based on your presentation. The time taken depends on the video length and complexity.

And you have successfully converted your PowerPoint slides into a crisp, shareable video!

PowerPoint Video Rendering

Bonus Tips for Best Results

Follow these tips to get the most out of your PowerPoint video conversion:

Optimize Media – Compress images and videos inserted in your presentation to reduce file size and improve performance.

Balance Visuals – Don’t overdo animations and transitions. Let content shine.

Check Compatibility– Test exported video to ensure compatibility with target devices before sharing.

Enhance Engagement – Use free tools like Animaker and Biteable to make videos more engaging post-conversion.

Converting presentations into videos opens up easy content repurposing and simplifies sharing across devices.

With PowerPoint’s straightforward export capabilities, you can save your slides as a video in minutes and leverage it better for marketing and communications.