How to Insert a Degree Symbol on a PowerPoint Slide

Do you ever find yourself needing to add a degree symbol (°) to your PowerPoint slides, but get frustrated trying to find it in the sea of symbols? You’re not alone – many presenters struggle to quickly insert this common character into their slides.

Fortunately, there are a few simple ways to add a degree symbol in PowerPoint, no matter which version you’re using. In this article, we’ll walk through the easiest methods so you can spend less time searching symbols menus and more time perfecting your presentation content.

Why Use the Degree Symbol in PowerPoint?

The degree symbol has several common uses that make it a popular character to insert in PowerPoint presentations:

  • Indicating temperatures – For example, 98°F or 25°C. This is especially helpful for scientific, weather, or medical presentations.
  • Measuring angles – You may use it for geometry diagrams or when explaining compass directions. For example, a right angle is 90°.
  • Adding detail to maps or graphics – The symbol can indicate latitude/longitude or bearings.
  • Clarifying units of measurement – It’s sometimes used in conjunction with other units like inches (in), feet (ft), or seconds (“).

So whether you’re discussing weather patterns, graphic design techniques, geographical coordinates, or math concepts, chances are you’ll need to add this symbol to your PowerPoint slides at some point.

Method 1: Insert Degree Symbol with Ribbon (All Versions)

The Symbol menu in the Ribbon provides an easy way to find and insert any special character, including the degree symbol. Here are the steps:

  1. Select the text box where you want to insert the symbol. This can be in a text placeholder, shape, or table cell for example.
  2. Go to the Insert tab and click the Symbol icon.
  3. In the menu that appears, select More Symbols.
  4. Choose the (normal text) font and Latin-1 Supplement subset.
  5. Scroll down to find and select the degree symbol.
  6. Click Insert then Close the window.

This method works in all versions of PowerPoint. While it involves a few more clicks than other options, it ensures you can find the symbol regardless of your keyboard setup.

Method 2: Quickly Insert with Keyboard Shortcut

An even faster way is to use a keyboard shortcut to insert the degree symbol. This method works best if you have a numeric keypad.

Here are the steps:

  1. Click to place your cursor where you want the symbol inserted.
  2. Press and hold Alt while typing 0176 on your numeric keypad.
  3. Release Alt and the ° symbol will appear!

This keyboard shortcut method is the fastest way to insert a degree symbol once you’ve memorized it. Just be sure your number lock is on in order for it to work properly.

Method 3: Use an AutoCorrect Entry

You can also add the degree symbol as an AutoCorrect entry so PowerPoint will replace a specific letter combination with the symbol automatically.

Here is how to set it up:

  1. Go to the File tab and choose Options.
  2. Click Proofing, then AutoCorrect Options.
  3. In the Replace field, enter “d”.
  4. In the With field, hold Alt and type 0176 on the numeric keypad to insert the degree symbol.
  5. Click Add then OK.

Now whenever you type “d” in your presentation and hit space or enter, it will instantly change to the degree symbol!

Method 4: Copy/Paste from Another Program

If all else fails, a quick way is to copy the degree symbol from another program like Word or Excel, then paste it into your presentation.

To do this:

  1. Open any Office program and insert the symbol using Steps 1-6 from Method 1 above.
  2. Select the degree symbol and copy it (Ctrl/Command + C).
  3. Switch to PowerPoint, click where you want to add it, and paste (Ctrl/Command + V).

While this method requires switching between programs, it can be a good backup option if you have issues with the other methods.

Troubleshooting Degree Symbol Insertion Issues

Sometimes the degree symbol shortcut methods don’t seem to work properly. Here are a few things to check if you’re having issues:

  • Make sure NumLock is enabled on your keyboard. The numeric keypad shortcuts require this.
  • Laptop users often need to press the Fn key plus the Alt shortcut keys.
  • If your keyboard lacks a numeric keypad, try enabling the on-screen keyboard in Windows or Mac. Then use the numeric keys to enter the symbol codes.
  • Check that you have the correct Alt code – 0176 is the most common. 248 works too.
  • Update your version of Office/PowerPoint to the newest available. Shortcuts sometimes change with software updates.

With some tweaking for your specific keyboard setup, you should have no trouble adding degree symbols using one of these quick methods.

Insert Degrees in Style

Finding and inserting the humble degree symbol doesn’t need to be a game of hunt and peck. With PowerPoint’s handy tools for special characters, keyboard shortcuts, and autocorrect, you can pop a degree sign into any presentation with just a few clicks or taps.

So next time you’re building slides that require temperatures, coordinates, angles, or precise measurements, feel free to sprinkle in degree symbols with confidence. Your audience will appreciate those extra details and visual clarity in your professional PowerPoint decks.

Now you have the inside scoop on how to insert a degree symbol with ease. So go forth and PowerPoint like a pro!