How to Insert an Excel Spreadsheet Into PowerPoint 2013

Inserting an Excel spreadsheet into a PowerPoint 2013 presentation allows you to display Excel data, such as charts, tables, or graphs, directly in your slides. There are a few methods for doing this, each with their own pros and cons.

Link Data from Excel

One option is to link data from an Excel file to your PowerPoint presentation. This creates a connection between the files, so if the Excel data changes, the PowerPoint slide updates automatically to reflect those changes.

To link data:

  1. In PowerPoint, select the slide where you want to insert the Excel data
  2. Go to the Insert tab and click the Object button
  3. In the dialog box, choose Create from File > Browse to select your Excel file
  4. Before closing the dialog box, check the Link checkbox
  5. The Excel data will now be inserted and linked on your slide


  • Data updates automatically in PowerPoint when changed in Excel
  • Saves space since only the link is embedded, not all the data


  • Requires Excel file to be in the same location to maintain link
  • Can only display one sheet’s worth of data

Embed Excel Object

Another choice is to embed an Excel object in your PowerPoint slide. This inserts the Excel data directly into PowerPoint, rather than linking to the original file.

To embed an object:

  1. Select the data in Excel and copy it (CTRL+C)
  2. In PowerPoint, paste the data (CTRL+V)
  3. In the paste options, choose Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object


  • Data is saved directly in the PowerPoint file
  • Can view slide without needing the Excel file


  • Does not update when changes made to Excel file
  • Makes for a larger PowerPoint file

Insert Screenshot of Excel Data

A third option is to take a screenshot of your Excel data, crop the image, and insert the picture into PowerPoint.

To use a screenshot:

  1. In Excel, capture screenshot of the data
  2. Paste screenshot into PowerPoint
  3. Crop image as needed


  • Simple to quickly add a snapshot of Excel data
  • Small file size


  • Completely static – does not update with Excel changes
  • Limited editing capabilities from within PowerPoint

Tips for Inserting Excel Data

When bringing Excel data into PowerPoint, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Check for updates: If linking data, click Refresh All on the Data tab to update links
  • Maintain file location: Don’t move either file or links may break
  • Watch file size: Large Excel data can make PowerPoint file size very big
  • Copy/Paste values only: Use Paste Special > Values to paste only data, not formulas
  • Edit data: Double click a linked or embedded object to open the Excel file and edit
  • Add charts: Insert linked or embedded charts to display Excel data visually

Additional Formatting in PowerPoint

Once your Excel data is inserted into PowerPoint, you can format it further:

  • Resize and position the object
  • Add borders, shading, effects
  • Change text font, size, color
  • Apply animation effects
  • Add slide transitions

So whether you want to link, embed, or take a screenshot, inserting an Excel spreadsheet into PowerPoint provides useful ways for presenting Excel data visually in your slides. With a few simple steps, you can display charts, graphs, tables, and other spreadsheet information. Just don’t forget to refresh your links!