How to Make Your Presentations Loop in PowerPoint

Want your PowerPoint presentations to run on a continuous loop for displays, kiosks, or unattended demos? Looping a PowerPoint is easy to set up, allowing your slideshow to replay automatically.

Here is a step-by-step guide to making any PowerPoint presentation loop seamlessly.

Why Loop a PowerPoint Presentation

There are several scenarios where you may want your PowerPoint slides to loop continuously:

  • Trade show booths – Looping presentations with your product demos or company information engage visitors.
  • In-store displays – Capture customer attention with looping slideshows about sales or promotions.
  • Office lobbies – Share company news, announcements, or events playing on a loop.
  • Museums/exhibits – Immerse visitors with continuously-playing presentations on screens.
  • Digital signage – Use public or office displays to loop important messages.

Looping means your presentation will replay automatically, without needing manual navigation. This allows you to draw attention even when unattended.

Step 1 – Open Your Presentation

First, launch PowerPoint and open the presentation you want to loop. You can create a new file or use an existing set of slides.

Open PowerPoint Presentation

Make any final edits before setting up the loop.

Step 2 – Access Slide Show Settings

Go to the “Slide Show” tab and click on “Set Up Slide Show” in the “Set Up” group.

Slide Show Tab

This opens the presentation setup window.

Step 3 – Select Loop Option

In the “Show Options” section, check the box for “Loop continuously until ‘Esc'”. This will make your slideshow loop endlessly until manually stopped by pressing the Esc key.

You can also check “Browsed at a kiosk” for full screen mode.

Loop Slideshow

Step 4 – Set Transition Timing

For a smooth, automated slideshow, you also need to set proper transition timing in between slides.

Go to the “Transitions” tab in PowerPoint’s top menu. Then under the “Timing” group, select the “After:” checkbox and enter a timing in seconds, like 15 seconds. This sets how long each slide appears for before advancing automatically.

Transition Timing

You can apply the transition timing to all slides at once.

Step 5 – Test Looping

You’re all set! To test, select any slide then click “From Beginning” under the “Slide Show” tab.

Let your presentation play through to the end to ensure it loops back seamlessly to the start.

Press Esc whenever you want to exit the looping presentation.

Test Looping

Now you can use this continuously-running PowerPoint for displays, signage, or unattended demos!

Advanced Tips for Seamless Loops

Follow these pro tips for clean, seamless loops every time:

  • Add lead-in slide – Introduce your presentation topic before your title slide. This helps the loop transition smoothly back to the beginning.
  • Use subtle transitions – Fades, wipes and other subtle transitions make the loop less jarring. Avoid distracting transitions.
  • Simplify design – With looping presentations, simpler is better. Use minimal text and focus more on visuals.
  • Check timings – Ensure each slide has adequate time to be viewed before advancing to the next in sequence.
  • Test thoroughly – Preview the loop multiple times to ensure a professional, glitch-free presentation.

Present Like a Pro with PowerPoint Loops

Adding an automatic loop in PowerPoint is a game-changer for unattended presentations. With just a few clicks, you can have your slides replay continuously at events, displays, and more.

So next time you need dynamic, evergreen content to present, set up a looping PowerPoint!