Minimalist Line PowerPoint Template

Minimalist Line PowerPoint Template

Sometimes minimalist design with fewer elements can be the best way to presenting your idea. In this PowerPoint template, for example, each slides decorated with a simple line colored with a bright gray theme. Despite its simplicity, the content would still be eye-catching and refreshing at the same time. Some lines are colored with red, green, and blue color in order to emphasize the text box (you can see it on the preview). The first slide is designed for intro purposes, you can add the topic title along with its secondary information. Meanwhile on the second and third slides are for the main presentation idea. Both of them are great for photo or text-only content. This PowerPoint template is suitable for almost any presentation topic. It’s not only limited to a designer who looking for a good-looking template, but also to people who wanted a clean and simple PowerPoint theme.


  • 3 slides for an intro and your main content
  • Extremely simple and minimalist
  • Eye-catching content placement
  • All elements are made using a shape
  • Less color used to focus the audience’s attention


Aspect ratioStandard 4:3
FontRoboto, Montserrat
Created usingMicrosoft PowerPoint 365