PowerPoint 2000: Moving, Copying, and Deleting Slides


Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 provides several useful tools for managing your presentation slides. You can easily move, copy, and delete slides as needed to organize your content. This article will cover the main methods for accomplishing these tasks.

Moving Slides

There are a few ways to move slides around in your PowerPoint 2000 presentation:

  • In Normal view: Click and drag the slide thumbnail in the Slides pane to the new location.
  • In Slide Sorter view: Click and drag the slide thumbnail to the new location in the sorter.
  • Using cut and paste:
    1. Select the slide(s) you want to move.
    2. Click Edit > Cut (or press Ctrl + X).
    3. Select the new location and click Edit > Paste (or press Ctrl + V).
  • Using keyboard shortcuts:
    • To move a slide down, select it and press Alt + Shift + ↓.
    • To move a slide up, select it and press Alt + Shift + ↑.

Copying Slides

You may also want to copy slides to reuse content:

  • Copy and paste:
    1. Select the slide(s).
    2. Click Edit > Copy (or press Ctrl + C).
    3. Select the new location and click Edit > Paste (or press Ctrl + V).
  • Drag and drop: Press and hold Ctrl while dragging the selected slide(s) to make copies.

Deleting Slides

To remove slides you no longer need:

  • Select the slide(s) and press Delete.
  • Right-click the slide(s) and choose Delete Slide.

Additional Tips

  • Use Slide Sorter view when moving, copying, and deleting multiple slides. This view displays slide thumbnails, making it easier to manage.
  • To copy slides between presentations, open both files and drag slides from one window to the other.
  • When pasting slides, use Paste Options to choose formatting options like keeping or using destination theme.


With these simple methods for moving, copying, and deleting slides, you can easily organize your PowerPoint 2000 presentation. Slide Sorter view gives you an overview of the slide deck to quickly manage slides. Remember to use cut/copy and paste options to duplicate slides, and delete unwanted slides to refine your content. With practice, you’ll be able to optimize your slide deck efficiently.