5-Item Comparison Table With Icons PowerPoint Template

5-Item Comparison Table With Icons PowerPoint Template

The template contains 2 slides with white and gray colors respectively. It has a 5-item comparison marked with chill blue and watermelon red color. On the table list, you can add or change the pre-made icon with yours that relevant to your point. The animation simply just a fade effects selected from the top list to the bottom, creating an illusion that each list appears one at a time as the slide comes out. This PowerPoint template is great for comparison purposes, for example, EV cars vs ICE cars, iPhone vs Pixel, etc. However, you can also use these slides for the pros and cons topic but you may need to change the blue color into green.


  • 2 slides with a white and gray background color
  • Extremely simple and eye-catching layout
  • Soft color selection (Chinese Palette)
  • A handful of animations


Aspect ratioStandard 4:3
FontOpen Sans, Calibri, Arial
Size232 KB