Canva is a popular graphic design platform that makes it easy for anyone to create beautiful presentations, even without prior design experience. With its drag-and-drop interface and vast library of templates, fonts, images, and more, you can quickly put together sleek and professional-looking slides.
However, you may sometimes need to convert your Canva presentation into a PowerPoint file for compatibility or sharing purposes. The good news is that exporting your Canva slides into a PowerPoint presentation is quick and straightforward.
In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of converting your Canva slides into a PowerPoint presentation.
Step 1: Open Your Canva Presentation
First, log into your Canva account and open the presentation you want to convert into PowerPoint. You can open existing presentations from your dashboard or start designing a new one.
Once your presentation is open in the Canva editor, you’re ready to move onto the next step.
Step 2: Click on the “Share” Button
In the top right corner of the editing screen, you’ll see a purple “Share” button. Click on it to open up the export menu.
Share button in Canva
Step 3: Select “Microsoft PowerPoint”
In the export modal that pops up, scroll down and click “See all” to view additional export formats. Here, click on the option for “Microsoft PowerPoint” to convert your Canva slides into a PowerPoint presentation.
Export to PowerPoint in Canva
Step 4: Choose Export Options
You can now choose whether to export all the pages/slides in your Canva presentation or only specific ones.
By default, all pages will be selected. Deselect any slides you don’t need by clicking on the checkboxes next to them.
Once you’ve chosen the slides to export, click the purple “Done” button at the bottom.
Step 5: Download the PowerPoint File
After selecting your export options, you’ll be taken back to the main export modal. Click on the large purple “Download” button to start converting your Canva presentation into a PowerPoint file.
The PowerPoint download may take a few minutes depending on the size and complexity of your Canva presentation. You’ll see a progress indicator during the conversion process.
Step 6: Open the Exported PowerPoint File
Once the download completes, open the PowerPoint file from your computer to view your converted Canva slides.
You can now work with the presentation natively in PowerPoint, adding animations, transitions, notes, and more. The core design and layout will remain unchanged from Canva.
Some elements like videos and audio clips will need to be re-embedded into the PowerPoint file. Complex animations may also not translate properly from Canva.
Tips for Converting Canva to PowerPoint
Here are some useful tips to keep in mind when exporting Canva presentations into PowerPoint:
Simplify complex designs: If your Canva slides use many animated elements, overlays, or layered objects, simplify the designs before exporting to prevent formatting issues.
Check for missing fonts: Custom or non-standard fonts used in Canva won’t always carry over properly into PowerPoint. Preview the converted slides and replace any missing fonts.
Re-add media assets: As noted earlier, multimedia like videos and audio clips will need to be re-embedded into the PowerPoint file after conversion.
Review transitions and animations: Any transitions or animations created natively in Canva will likely not translate fully when exported. Review them in the converted PowerPoint deck.
Use original Canva assets: When customizing the exported PowerPoint file, try to use assets from Canva instead of new PowerPoint assets. This will help maintain visual consistency.
Converting your Canva presentations into PowerPoint is a quick and easy process that only takes a few clicks.
Following the steps outlined in this article, you can seamlessly export your Canva slides with no loss in core design or content structure. The exported PowerPoint file will retain most graphic elements, color schemes, fonts, and layouts from your original Canva presentation.
Just keep in mind limitations around complex animations, embedded media, and fonts to ensure your exported PowerPoint deck looks as close as possible to the original Canva version.
We hope this gives you a better understanding of how to convert Canva slides into PowerPoint! Let us know if you have any other questions.