Fractions are an important mathematical concept that are often used in presentations to convey numerical relationships. PowerPoint includes several easy ways to insert fractions into your slides to clearly communicate mathematical ideas. In this article, we’ll walk through the step-by-step process for writing fractions in PowerPoint.
Step 1: Enable Auto-formatting for Fractions
PowerPoint can automatically format certain basic fractions like 1/2 and 1/4 as fraction characters when you type them. To enable this auto-formatting:
- Click the File tab
- Click Options at the bottom of the menu
- Click Proofing
- Click the AutoCorrect Options button
- Ensure the Fractions (1/2) with Fraction Character (1⁄2) box is checked
Now when you type fractions like 1/2, PowerPoint will automatically convert them into fraction characters.
Step 2: Insert a Fraction Using the Equation Tool
For more control and flexibility formatting fractions, use PowerPoint’s Equation tool:
- Click the Insert tab
- Click the Equation button (π symbol)
- In the drop down menu, select Insert New Equation
- In the equation editor toolbar, click the Fraction button
- Select the fraction structure you want to use
- Type the numerator and denominator values
- Press Enter when finished to exit the equation editor
The Equation tool allows you to choose from different fraction structures like stacked, linear, and skewed fractions.
Step 3: Draw Fractions with the Ink Equation Tool
You can also draw freeform fractions using the Ink Equation tool:
- On the Insert tab, click the down arrow below the Equation button
- Select Ink Equation at the bottom of the drop down menu
- In the drawing canvas, write the fraction using standard mathematical notation
- Press Enter when finished
The equation will be converted into a neat formatted fraction. This method allows you to quickly write fractions by hand.
Step 4: Use the Format Tab to Customize the Look of Fractions
Once you’ve inserted a fraction, use the controls on the Format tab to customize its appearance:
- Change font sizes for the numerator and denominator
- Alter text color, fill color and line properties
- Adjust spacing and alignment
- Rotate or flip fractions
- Split equations into multiple lines
- Add mathematical symbols, limits, parentheses and more
Take advantage of these formatting options to make your fractions stand out and fit seamlessly into your presentation design.
Step 5: Use Fraction Structures Consistently
When using multiple fractions in the same presentation, make sure to use the same fraction structure for consistency. Avoid mixing and matching stacked, linear and skewed fractions without good reason. Consistent formatting will give your presentation a clean, professional look.
Step 6: Position Fractions Properly with Surrounding Text
Carefully consider the positioning of fractions in relation to the text, images and other elements around them. Avoid awkward breaks that make the fractions difficult to interpret at a glance.
Step 7: Check View Settings for Fraction Display Issues
Since mathematical equations require specific fonts to display properly, check how your fractions appear under different PowerPoint view settings:
- Click the View tab
- Click Slide Master > Slide Master to view the master slide layer
- Click the View tab and toggle between Normal, Slide Sorter, and Reading View
- Verify your fractions format correctly in each mode, adjusting as needed
Correcting display issues on the slide master layer will fix formatting problems on all slides using that master.
Step 8: Consider Using MathType for Complex Expressions
While PowerPoint’s built-in equation tools work great for basic fractions, consider upgrading to MathType for more complex mathematical expressions. MathType seamlessly integrates with PowerPoint to give you greater control over mathematical notation, symbols, layout, and more.
Writing fractions in PowerPoint is easy once you know a few simple methods. Auto-formatting, the Equation tool, and Ink Equation options provide plenty of flexibility. And PowerPoint’s formatting features help you customize fractions to match your presentation’s style. With these tips, you can confidently insert fractions to convey numerical relationships and mathematical concepts.