Animated Offshore Wind Farm PowerPoint Template

Animated Offshore Wind Farm PowerPoint Template

It’s also similar to the Clean Energy template that I posted previously. However, these PowerPoint slides mainly focus on the offshore wind farm landscape where a bunch of wind turbines planted at the bottom of the seafloor in order to be strong robust enough while capturing air movement above the surface. All illustrations fully made with a Shape tool so you could easily edit the shape as you want. Also, those shapes have been animated with a flowing style to engage your audience while the slide appears. There are two slides for the intro and the main content respectively. Both sides are about the same but from a different perspective. This PowerPoint template is great for a presentation about wind energy especially for the offshore wind farm that currently widely used by countries with sea territory.


  • 2 slides for the intro and main content
  • Beautiful offshore wind farm landscape
  • Fully made with a shape so flexible to edit
  • Editable doughnut chart
  • All shapes & text animated seamlessly


Aspect ratioStandard 4:3
FontProduct Sans, Montserrat, Open Sans
Created usingMicrosoft PowerPoint 365