Animated SWOT with Smooth Colors PowerPoint Template

The slide designed to attract the audience to see the “SWOT” figure at the center first and then read the information around it. Specifically, I’m using smooth and calm colors as the main theme of this template. That way the presentation atmosphere could be relaxing and enjoyable at the same time. In order to add fancy effects, I added some relevant animations to each element in the slide, involving moving text and shapes. In addition, this template using a double layer of background where each angle featured with SWOT colors. This PowerPoint template is good for SWOT presentations of your business or project. With some modifications, it also would be perfect for a 4-step timeline.


  • Calm and smooth color selection
  • Featured with elegant animations
  • Compelling design


Font*Tahoma, Trebuchet MS
Aspect RatioStandard 4:3
Created usingMicrosoft PowerPoint 365
LicenseCC BY 4.0 (free with attribution)