How to Convert a PowerPoint to an E-newsletter

E-newsletters are a great way to communicate important information to an audience on a regular basis. They allow you to provide updates, announcements, promotions, and other content to subscribers.

Converting an existing PowerPoint presentation into an e-newsletter is an easy way to repurpose content you have already created. The visuals and information in a PowerPoint can make for an attractive and engaging e-newsletter.

In this article, we will walk through the step-by-step process for converting a PowerPoint file into an e-newsletter.

Step 1: Choose the Right PowerPoint File

Not all PowerPoint files make good e-newsletter candidates. When selecting a PowerPoint to convert, consider the following:

  • Length – Aim for a presentation that is 1-6 slides long. Any more than that is probably too much content for an e-newsletter.
  • Content – The information should be evergreen or timely so it appeals to subscribers. Avoid files with internal data.
  • Format – Look for PowerPoints with big text and images that will translate well to email. Avoid complex builds with excessive text.
  • File Size – If the presentation has a lot of high-res images, the file size may be too big to email. Compress images if needed.

Choose a PowerPoint that will create an e-newsletter with the right balance of visual interest and concise, engaging content.

Step 2: Export the File as PDF

Once you select an appropriate PowerPoint file, you need to convert it from PPTX format into a PDF document that can be used in an e-newsletter. Here is how to export a PDF:

  1. Open the PowerPoint file
  2. Select File > Export > Create PDF/XPS Document
  3. In the dialog box, select Create PDF/XPS
  4. Choose a standard paper size like Letter
  5. Click Options to compress images if needed
  6. Click Export and save the PDF file

The PDF will contain all the slides, transitions, animations etc from your presentation.

Step 3: Optimize the PDF in Acrobat

Before placing the PowerPoint PDF into an e-newsletter, we need to optimize it. Open the exported PDF file in Adobe Acrobat Pro and do the following:

  • Delete slide numbers, footers, and other unwanted elements
  • Crop slide edges if needed
  • Reduce file size by compressing images
  • Delete animations/transitions
  • Ensure images are high resolution (220 ppi)

Save the optimized PDF. It should now be ready to use in your e-newsletter.

Step 4: Create an E-newsletter Layout

Next, design a newsletter layout in a visual editor like MailChimp, Constant Contact, or Email on Acid. Consider the following when structuring your e-newsletter:

  • Header with logo & tagline
  • Featured article showcasing PowerPoint content
  • 2-3 additional stories for context
  • Images to break up text
  • Call-to-action button
  • Footer with contact info and preferences

Aim for a balanced layout with 50/50 mix of text/visuals.

Step 5: Insert the PDF Content

Now we are ready to place our PowerPoint content into the e-newsletter layout:

  1. Copy/paste slides from PDF one at a time
  2. Resize images and text boxes in newsletter
  3. Add captions or short descriptions for context
  4. Insert remaining PDF slides in sequence

Review the content flow, trim excess text, and ensure visual consistency across slides.

Step 6: Final Touches

The last step is finishing touches:

  • Check links, images, formatting
  • Ensure content is aligned
  • Correct image compression issues
  • Confirm mobile responsiveness
  • Add alt text for accessibility

Thoroughly test the rendered e-newsletter before sending to avoid glitches.


Converting PowerPoints into e-newsletters allows you to easily repurpose great content into a new format. Following the 6 steps above will help you optimize PowerPoint files and create professional, polished e-newsletters.

The key is choosing an appropriate presentation, formatting it properly in Acrobat, and integrating it smoothly into an email-friendly layout. With some practice, you’ll be able to produce consistent, high-quality e-newsletters from your existing slide decks.