Turning On Spell Check in PowerPoint 2003
Spell check allows you to catch spelling mistakes in your PowerPoint presentation. Here is how to turn on spell check in PowerPoint 2003:
- Click on Tools > Options in the menu bar
- Select the Spelling tab
- Check the box next to Check spelling as you type
- You can also check Hide spelling errors in this document only if you don’t want red squiggly lines to appear under misspelled words
Checking Spelling Manually
To check spelling manually at any time:
- Click on Tools > Spelling
- Or press F7 on your keyboard
This will start the spell check process. PowerPoint will check the text in your presentation slide-by-slide and alert you to any potential spelling mistakes.
You’ll have several options to correct the misspelled word:
- Select one of the suggestions in the dropdown menu
- Click Ignore or Ignore All to leave the word as-is
- Click Add to add the word to the dictionary so it won’t flag it as misspelled in the future
Modifying Spell Check Options
To modify how spell check works:
- Click Tools > Options
- Select the Spelling & Grammar tab
- You can check or uncheck options like:
- Check spelling as you type
- Hide spelling errors
- Suggest from main dictionary only
- Ignore words in UPPERCASE
- Ignore words with numbers
- And more
This allows you to customize spell check to suit your preferences.
Resetting Ignored Words
If you want spell check to re-check words you previously ignored:
- Click Tools > Options
- Select the Spelling & Grammar tab
- Click the Recheck Document button
This will reset all ignored words so spell check will flag them again if they are incorrect.
Setting the Spell Check Language
To change the dictionary language used for spell check:
- Click on a text box in your presentation
- Right-click and select Language
- Choose the desired language from the list
This will set the spell check dictionary for that text box. Repeat this process for all text boxes that need a different language set.
Printing Slides
To print your PowerPoint slides:
- Click File > Print
- Select the slides you want to print
- Click Print
By default, PowerPoint will print one slide per page.
Print Options
In the Print dialog box, you have several options:
- Print Range – Choose to print the current slide, selected slides, or all slides
- Copies – Select the number of copies to print
- Collate – Check this option to print complete copies rather than individual slides
- Color/Grayscale – Choose to print in color, black & white, or shades of gray
Print Preview
Before printing, it’s a good idea to check Print Preview first. Click the Print Preview button in the Print dialog box.
Print Preview shows you exactly how your slides will look when printed. This allows you to catch any issues before printing.
Printing Handouts
You may want to prepare printed handouts of your PowerPoint slides to share with an audience. Here is how:
- Click File > Print
- Click the Print What dropdown and select Handouts
- In the Slides per page dropdown, pick how many slides to show per page
- Select any other print options
- Click Print
Handouts allow your audience to follow along with your presentation. Consider adding lines next to each slide for taking notes.
Printing in Grayscale or Black and White
Under the Color/Grayscale dropdown menu in the Print dialog box, you can choose to print in grayscale or pure black and white rather than color.
This is useful for:
- Saving printer ink or toner
- Printing on black & white printers
- Giving your presentation a cleaner, more professional look
Test how your presentation looks in grayscale before printing to make sure it appears as desired.
Troubleshooting Printing Issues
Some common printing issues and solutions:
- Slides print blank – Select all slides and reset print range to fix
- Margins cut off – Adjust margins in Page Setup
- Font looks wrong – Font substitution can occur if missing font
- Prints too small – Choose correct paper size
- Prints too slow – Turn off background printing in Printer Options
Always check Print Preview first before printing to catch errors.
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXhZkoS9HeU
[2] https://documentation.help/MS-Office-PowerPoint-2003/ppconAboutPrinting1.htm
[3] https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/office/about-compatibility-mode-in-powerpoint-aa6983bb-7858-40c5-bcc8-756faa7d29b0
[4] https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/unable-to-open-ppt-97-2003-presentation-with-ppt/a1d77f68-f2d9-44f0-9b59-ea0b648867aa
[5] https://superuser.com/questions/55034/change-the-spell-checking-language-on-a-powerpoint-presentation