How to View Your Presentation in Google Slides

Google Slides allows you to create visually engaging presentations that can include text, images, videos, animations, and more. Once you have created your presentation, you will likely need to present it to an audience at some point. Google Slides provides several options for viewing and presenting your slides.

Viewing Your Slides

The most basic way to view your presentation is to simply open the Google Slides file and view the slides in normal editing mode. This allows you to scroll through your slides, view speaker notes, edit content, etc. However, when you want to view the slides as your audience would see them, you need to start the slideshow.

Starting the Slideshow

To start the slideshow:

  • Click on the “Slideshow” button in the top right corner of the Google Slides window. This will make your slides fill the entire screen.
  • Use the arrow keys on your keyboard or click the on-screen arrows to navigate between slides.
  • Press the Esc key at any time to exit the full screen slideshow view.

When in slideshow mode, your slides will display in a full screen view, optimized for presenting to an audience. Things like the toolbar, sidebar, and speaker notes will be hidden from view.

Presenter View

Google Slides also provides a “Presenter View” mode that shows speaker notes and other useful presenting tools alongside the main slideshow window. To use Presenter View:

  • Click the drop down arrow next to the Slideshow button.
  • Select the “Presenter View” option. This will open a separate presenter window.

In Presenter View you’ll see the main slide, upcoming slide preview, speaker notes, timer, and slide navigation tools. Your audience will only see the main slideshow window. This mode is perfect for viewing notes and controlling the presentation from a laptop while presenting onto a larger screen.

Presenting Your Slides

Once you’ve started the slideshow or Presenter View, you can go through the full presentation. Here are some tips:

  • Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate slides back and forth.
  • Click on the on-screen navigation arrows (in slideshow mode) to move between slides.
  • View the next upcoming slide and speaker notes (in Presenter View) to stay ahead of your audience.
  • Use the Presenter View timer to keep track of time.
  • Jump to any slide by selecting it in the Presenter View thumbnail bar.
  • Start from the beginning if needed by using the keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + F5).

Presenting Onto a Separate Screen

For more professional presentations, you will likely want to connect your laptop to an external display or projector screen. Google Slides makes this easy with a dedicated presentation mode:

  • Connect your laptop to the external display using an HDMI or VGA cable. Arrange your displays so Slides is on the external screen.
  • In Presenter View mode, click the “Present on another screen” button.
  • The slideshow will now display full screen on the external display while you view notes and controls on your laptop.

Additional Presentation Tips

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when presenting Google Slides:

  • Practice and rehearse your presentation beforehand to ensure smooth delivery.
  • Make sure speaker notes have all the details you’ll need.
  • Check that animations and transitions play as expected.
  • Connect and setup equipment like microphones, projectors, and displays prior to your audience arriving.
  • Have a backup plan in case of technical difficulties.
  • Engage your audience with strong visuals, stories, and enthusiasm.
  • Time your presentation to stay within your allotted time.


Learning how to properly view and present your Google Slides file is critical for delivering successful and professional presentations. With slideshow mode, Presenter View, presentation tools, and display connectivity, Google Slides has all the functionality you need. Follow the tips provided in this article to ensure your next Google Slides presentation makes an impact on your audience.